Work-Life balance Survey

interview questions

How well are your personal and professional needs being met?

Work-life balance refers to the idea that you, as an individual, believe you have the ability to properly balance your work responsibilities and your personal responsibilities.

Fill out this 10-minute “Work-Life Balance Survey” and then share the results with your leaders to take action.

Download our “Work-Life Balance Survey” to rate your overall feelings about your organization regarding:

1. Opportunity to attend events related to professional growth.

2. Opportunity to take a real vacation.

3. Leave entitlements.

4. Accommodation to family-related needs.

5. Flexible work.

Serena Ngo

“Catherine’s commitment to creating positive, engaging work environments and her role in leading organizations toward better management practices make her an invaluable asset in the field of organizational development.

– Byron Low, Coach, BIG WHY Coaching