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We’ve serviced over 250 clients and their thousands of employees worldwide

Higher Education

Fostering healthy workplace cultures with increased employee engagement and satisfaction through constructive feedback and proactive strategies to address workplace bullying.

Our Client: University Ranked 2nd in the World and 1st in the US

Their Challenge: An abrasive female Chief of Staff in one of the onsite research institutes. Tasked with handling all things COVID, she was overwhelmed and stressed out.

Our Approach: The Chief of Staff received coaching designed specifically for abrasive leaders, which includes interviewing 15 peers, 4 months of coaching, and follow up interviews to measure change.

The Outcomes: Institute employees reported respectful and positive interactions with the Chief of Staff in the follow-up interviews.

Our Client: University Ranked 2nd in the World and 1st in the US

Their Challenge: Unhealthy workplace behaviors unfolding in the dining and residential department, and managers not trained to address it.

Our Approach: Managers received training focused on tools to build team psychological safety and coach poor behavior.

The Outcomes: Institute employees witnessed the collective efforts to cultivate a more inclusive culture fostering psychological safety for all, leading to greater trust, better conflict resolution skills, and a culture of giving and receiving meaningful feedback

Our Client: University Ranked 9th Best in the World and 6th in the US

Their Challenge: Multiple women allege discrimination, bullying, hostile work environment, and dissatisfaction with HR and leadership.

Our Approach: Deployed survey to 300+ workforce, interviewed a 10% sample, and partnered with workforce and leaders to develop and implement a plan to rebuild trust, address bad behavior, and provide executives tools for change management. Also delivered training for all staff and leadership on being an upstander.

The Outcomes: Second survey showed improvement in culture from previous year, including more engagement and job satisfaction. Client also saw increased perceptions of commitment to diversity, improved team dynamics, and more trust in leadership – along with decreased incidences of bullying.

Our Client: University Lab Holding Only Tool of Its Kind in the World

Their Challenge: An accident that caused serious harm and a shutdown for 18 months highlighted the lack of psychological safety in the culture, as the accident could have been avoided if people felt comfortable to speak up.

Our Approach: In ongoing partnership with the Chief of Staff, we designed and delivered a series of five training programs around trust, psychological safety, and being an upstander. Through training, we also uncovered organizational risk factors and provided guidance to address them.

The Outcomes: A team of “Culture Champions” emerged and continues to take on the role of managing culture. The workforce reports more self-awareness and better relationships within their teams.

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Promoting positive relationships among healthcare professionals to achieve more reliable healthcare systems and improved patient care.

Our Client: Community Hospital in High Tourist Area

Their Challenge: Nurses throughout the hospital struggled with traveling nurses, stress of COVID, and new CEO’s resistance to signing bargaining agreement. OB/Gyn Department struggled with toxic behavior.

Our Approach: Provided assistance in choosing Press Ganey survey questions and deciphering the results. In partnership with hospital executives, we developed a 12-month plan for culture change and implemented several training programs to build on core values. OB/Gyn managers received coaching, and we held listening groups to unpack and resolve toxic behavior.

The Outcomes: Hospital nurses leaned into core values, with departments finding their own ways to hold each other accountable. Assistant nurse manager in OB/Gyn successfully built relationships with team and was able to take over people management so nurse manager could excel at department management.

Our Client: National First Aid Health Care Organization

Their Challenge: New CEO was already focused on improving culture and turned to us for deeper insights on employee engagement, relationships, psychological safety, and workforce challenges and needs.

Our Approach: After interviewing leaders and stakeholders, we developed and deployed a workforce survey.

The Outcomes: The survey data showed the organization excelled in listening to employees, communicating department goals, providing guidance, fostering a positive and collaborative environment, and addressing concerns about equity and inclusion. Workforce also expressed high satisfaction with colleagues' work and communication flow within their department. Armed with data, the CEO was able to continue his journey of building a positive workplace culture.

Our Client: Mental Health and Social Care Organization

Their Challenge: Company-wide survey showed one worksite had lower survey scores across the board, including decreased morale and high levels of burnout. Worksite director charged with turning scores around or her employment will be terminated.

Our Approach: Needing a deeper understanding of culture, we delivered a workforce survey and interviewed 10% of the workforce, which led to the formation of a workforce action team. Through one-day workshop and follow up meetings, team developed action plan that included creating core values, manager training, frequent all-hands meetings, and a revamp of onboarding.

The Outcomes: Responses on 100% of survey questions improved, some by more than 30%. For example, satisfaction with supervisory support increased from 50% to 87%, and satisfaction with manager ability to motivate increased from 37% to 71%. Having turned around the survey scores, and being set up for success to continue the journey of building culture, the director’s job was safe and the worksite experienced a more positive workplace.

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Promoting positive relationships among healthcare professionals to achieve more reliable healthcare systems and improved patient care.

Our Client: Community Hospital in High Tourist Area

Their Challenge: Nurses throughout the hospital struggled with traveling nurses, stress of COVID, and new CEO’s resistance to signing bargaining agreement. OB/Gyn Department struggled with toxic behavior.

Our Approach: Provided assistance in choosing Press Ganey survey questions and deciphering the results. In partnership with hospital executives, we developed a 12-month plan for culture change and implemented several training programs to build on core values. OB/Gyn managers received coaching, and we held listening groups to unpack and resolve toxic behavior.

The Outcomes: Hospital nurses leaned into core values, with departments finding their own ways to hold each other accountable. Assistant nurse manager in OB/Gyn successfully built relationships with team and was able to take over people management so nurse manager could excel at department management.

Our Client: National First Aid Health Care Organization

Their Challenge: New CEO was already focused on improving culture and turned to us for deeper insights on employee engagement, relationships, psychological safety, and workforce challenges and needs.

Our Approach: After interviewing leaders and stakeholders, we developed and deployed a workforce survey.

The Outcomes: The survey data showed the organization excelled in listening to employees, communicating department goals, providing guidance, fostering a positive and collaborative environment, and addressing concerns about equity and inclusion. Workforce also expressed high satisfaction with colleagues' work and communication flow within their department. Armed with data, the CEO was able to continue his journey of building a positive workplace culture.

Our Client: Mental Health and Social Care Organization

Their Challenge: Company-wide survey showed one worksite had lower survey scores across the board, including decreased morale and high levels of burnout. Worksite director charged with turning scores around or her employment will be terminated.

Our Approach: Needing a deeper understanding of culture, we delivered a workforce survey and interviewed 10% of the workforce, which led to the formation of a workforce action team. Through one-day workshop and follow up meetings, team developed action plan that included creating core values, manager training, frequent all-hands meetings, and a revamp of onboarding.

The Outcomes: Responses on 100% of survey questions improved, some by more than 30%. For example, satisfaction with supervisory support increased from 50% to 87%, and satisfaction with manager ability to motivate increased from 37% to 71%. Having turned around the survey scores, and being set up for success to continue the journey of building culture, the director’s job was safe and the worksite experienced a more positive workplace.

Manufacturing & Energy

Developing collaborative and innovative workplace cultures to improve safety records, reduce workplace conflict, and promote the wellbeing of manufacturing teams.

Our Client: Medical Instrument Manufacturing

Their Challenge: The business had acquired several others, and neither they or the acquired organizations had been offering leadership and manager training in essential skills.

Our Approach: Over the course of one year, we delivered open-enrollment courses for managers each month. During the second year, we conducted six training sessions in a cohort style of 10-15 participants per cohort. Each session was followed by an experiential assignment, and participants met for group coaching and debriefs.

The Outcomes: Workshop sessions paired with assignments revealed eagerness from managers to enhance leadership skills and support their employees. Participants showed genuine care, empathy, and shared experiences, fostering a supportive environment. The cohort model facilitated the development of deeper trust and camaraderie among participants, ensuring they could rely on each other as true teammates in the future.

Our Client: Multinational $B Energy Corporation

Their Challenge: The employee relations team was receiving many complaints about workplace bullying, and they recognized one part of the solution was to train their HR business partners across the globe to understand what it is and how to resolve it.

Our Approach: We facilitated training at their annual internal HR business partner conference. HR business partners from around the globe were in attendance.

The Outcomes: Attendees appreciated our approach to defining bullying, and now had the tools to better help managers handle workplace bullying and other bad behaviors before they escalated to employee relations complaints. Now, they could implement proactive measures to prevent and effectively resolve bullying incidents across the organization.

Our Client: Manufacturer of Private Executive Jets

Their Challenge: The Senior HR Business Partner saw high turnover from newer employees due to an ongoing culture of hazing and bullying. As part of implementing her anti-bullying and hazing policy, she wanted to deliver training to assure all members of the workforce understood what bullying and hazing is, the damage it causes, and how to speak up against it.

Our Approach: In partnership with the Senior HR Business Partner, we traveled to all worksites across the U.S to deliver the training. She was able to discuss the policy and consequences if bullying or hazing was reported.

The Outcomes: Employee turnover decreased immediately. Employees now understood what bullying was, and the consequences in store if they engaged in it.

Our Client: Defense Manufacturing

Their Challenge: An executive vice-president (EVP) was drawing attention from human resources due to complaints of his ongoing poor behavior, including making comments that had sexual undertones, aggressiveness and anger, and severe impatience.

Our Approach: Using our specialized coaching process for abrasive leaders, we obtained feedback from 15 individuals to provide him with insight about his leadership and communication. After reviewing the themes with him, we engaged in coaching for four months, and then conducted a second round of interviews to measure progress.

The Outcomes: The interviews showed that employees recognized and appreciated the EVPs efforts in managing challenges more patiently and noted significant leadership growth. The EVP enjoyed and appreciated the process so much, he hired us back to coach two leaders who reported to him.

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Equipping government agencies with effective culture-building strategies, prioritizing conflict resolution and workplace connection.

Our Client: Air and Space Science and Technology

Their Challenge: Workplace bullying was rampant.

Our Approach: Conducted training about how to deal with microaggressions and prevent workplace bullying.

The Outcomes: It helped them to bond as Ombuds across the agency and be able to talk through scenarios with other Ombuds. It helped them build trust and learn new strategies on how to step in when witnessing negative behaviors.

Our Client: Housing and Community Development

Their Challenge: The organization faced issues related to employee morale and communication gaps that needed to be addressed.

Our Approach: Conducted four, one-hour, employee training sessions (three sessions plus one make-up), and two, two-hour, manager training sessions.

The Outcomes: 70% of respondents agree that they have seen improvement in the culture of their company and 82% of respondents recommend the organization as a good place to work.

Our Client: Law Enforcement and Security Services

Their Challenge: They observed remote burnout, decreased connection, and aimed to empower employees.

Our Approach: Conducted important training program in Communicating with Civility. There will be additional training programs that will be conducted this year.

The outcomes: Program outcomes: behavior change, collaboration improvement, trust increase, culture change, clarified expectations for the manager role, shared approaches to addressing people challenges, overcoming challenges through debriefs and solution development, and peer-to-peer learning.

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Equipping government agencies with effective culture-building strategies, including conflict resolution techniques and building positive connections in the workplace.

Our Client: Space Science and Technology

Their Challenge: The volunteer Ombuds team was hearing many complaints about workplace bullying and other negative behaviors. Without much information on what bullying is or how to handle it, they were frustrated with their inability to help their peers successfully address it.

Our Approach: We partnered with the organization to build training specific to their workplace and ensure scenarios were relevant and useful, so that the Ombuds team could gain tools for dealing with – and preventing – microaggressions, incivility, and workplace bullying.

The Outcomes: The training equipped the Ombuds team with tools for taking in complaints about bullying, and providing useful guidance and counsel to the employees who made them.

Our Client: Housing and Community Development

Their Challenge: A new CEO quickly realized previous leaders had not focused on the employee experience, growth opportunities, or engagement. Interested in understanding how to address the culture, she hired us to conduct a survey and provide recommendations.

Our Approach: Upon developing and deploying a tailored survey, we uncovered the workforce’s need to have information about growth opportunities and their performance. We developed a performance management system that provided for quarterly meetings and collaborative conversations, and piloted a succession planning program. We also conducted several training programs related to these initiatives.

The Outcomes: Upon these initiatives and several others, a second survey showed that, for example, 70% of respondents agreed that they have seen improvement in the culture and 82% of respondents would recommend the organization as a good place to work.

Our Client: Government Agency Contracting

Their Challenge: A member of leadership was observing burnout, reduced levels of peer connection, and poor communication in her team. One component of her solution was implementation of a civility policy, and she sought training to support the team in these new behavioral requirements.

Our Approach: We conducted five training programs on Communicating with Civility, Emotional Intelligence, Giving & Receiving Feedback, Conflict Resolution, and Collaboration.

The outcomes: Attendees reported the time in breakout sessions, the exercises, and the trainer were all valuable resources. The leader reported a positive shift in the team dynamics and stronger interpersonal relationships.

Legal & Financial

Supporting professionals in delivering excellent service to their clients by creating more collaborative internal relationships and a thriving work environment.

Our Client: Direct to Consumer Insurance Organization

Their Challenge: A top performing and long time manager in claims was creating trauma for those around her through her abrasive leadership style and intolerance of mistakes. Frustrated by often hearing “she’s just passionate”, human resources offered her coaching with us.

Our Approach: The manager received coaching designed specifically for abrasive leaders, which includes interviewing 15 peers, 4 months of coaching, and follow up interviews to measure change.

The Outcomes: Follow-up interviews highlighted that the manager had gone from being abrasive, harsh, and unapproachable to friendly and approachable. She had also transformed into a leader who coached, instead of punished, people who made mistakes.

Our Client: 5th Largest Insurance Broker in the World

Their Challenge: After acquiring two separate broker businesses and moving them into one office location, the cultures immediately began to clash and productivity decreased.

Our Approach: We provided a location-wide workshop to create a team agreement on ground rules for behavior. We guided the leader as she created a vision and core values, and led her managers in developing action items to implement core values effectively.

The Outcomes: The employees reported an enhanced sense of unity and shared purpose among them, facilitated by the implementation of a cohesive corporate culture. The leader now has the tools to create one new culture that all buy into as co-creators.

Our Client: Pretrial Services in the U.S. District Court

Their Challenge: Previous leadership was toxic, and therefore not holding others accountable to being respectful. The new leader quickly realized how damaged the culture was, and identified a few key players who perpetrated the toxic behavior. Unsure of how to hold everyone accountable to respectful behavior, she reached out to us for assistance.

Our Approach: The new leader had already developed a new performance evaluation tool, focused more on people and collaborative conversations, than on quotas. Through two workshops and ongoing anonymous voting to get things just right, we created core values and matching core competencies. Additional workshops on collaboration, psychological safety and communication skills assured all could meet the new expectations and achieve high scores on evaluations.

The Outcomes: By involving all members of the workforce in defining the core values, trust in the new leader and in each other started to rebuild. Now, all staff could understand and be accountable to behavioral expectations, including those known for being toxic.

Our Client: Global Investment Bank

Their Challenge: Always focused on a respectful and inclusive culture, the bank was finding that between hiring from a Wall Street culture, massive growth, and COVID, maintaining their incredible culture of respect was becoming increasingly difficult.

Our Approach: We delivered a workshop to senior leaders on creating and sustaining a respectful work culture, and cascaded the training down through the ranks to a company-wide version that included being an upstander. Our training is now mandatory for all new hires and has been delivered several times per year for several years.

The Outcomes: Participants transformed negative workplace moments into opportunities for fostering a positive culture. They appreciated interaction with colleagues from different departments, and valued the diverse perspectives.

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Assisting nonprofits in building and maintaining positive and respectful work cultures so that they can focus on their important missions and the people they serve.

Our Client: Public Housing Solutions

Their Challenge: With over 50% turnover in the last 12 months, and many claims of discrimination filed with HR, the organization sought training programs to help with work-life balance and stress management.

Our Approach: By starting with a review of their people and culture systems (e.g., onboarding, performance management, etc) and a company-wide survey, we uncovered that managers were poorly trained in management skills and accountability for individual performance was non-existent. Their budget supported only one of our many recommendations, and we provided a cohort training program to upskill managers.

The Outcomes: Managers report that they feel more support from leadership and post-program surveys to the managers’ team members show improved manager skills when compared to pre-program surveys.

Our Client: Roadside Assistance

Their Challenge: Claims of discrimination and threats of violence within a team of 10 people.

Our Approach: After talking with each individual, we facilitated dialogue around equity and inclusion, positive language, and conflict resolution. We also provided tools and coaching to the team’s leader so that they could continue the conversation and push forward a civil team environment.

The Outcomes: The team leader now had the tools and understanding to maintain a positive environment through ongoing support and coaching of their team members.

Our Client: Social Media Oversight Board Protecting Human Rights

Their Challenge:Created out of thin air by a social media platform to assist in decisions related to content removal, the organization had grown from 0 to 20 board members, and from 0 to 40 employees across the globe in a matter of months. Given their charge of protecting human, civil and speech rights, a culture of inclusivity and understanding is crucial.

Our Approach: We delivered sessions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging, Harassment Prevention, Intercultural Communication, and more, to groups of 10 individuals at a time so that sessions could be focused on facilitated dialogue and building understanding and rapport.

The Outcomes: With a foundation to strategically build a respectful and inclusive culture through massive growth, the HR team could build core values and processes to support a positive work environment.

Our Client: Assistance to Low Income Families

Their Challenge: An executive director was fired for her mistreatment of others, and left behind a damaged workforce.

Our Approach: To understand the extent of the damage, we offered a workforce survey so that the leadership team could address this issue in the right ways, and understand what other opportunities for improvement existed. The survey showed more communication about vision and goals, business outlook and health, and crisis management was needed. And, 43% of the workforce was looking for another job.

The Outcomes: Armed with this very specific information about what to improve, the executive team was able to develop plans for positive change and reduce the potential upcoming turnover.

Our Client: Emergency Disaster Assistance

Their Challenge: One employee made an inappropriate comment to another, and a harassment complaint was filed. Although the comment was racist, the commentator couldn’t understand why. Given the one-time offense, the commentator was not fired but required to attend coaching.

Our Approach: We used a combination of several of our training program workbooks to develop an agenda and exercises that would address this situation specifically.

The Outcomes: After five coaching sessions, some self-assessments, “homework” assignments, and journaling, the commentator had a better understanding of why her comment was hurtful and how to avoid mistakes in the future.


Empowering nonprofit teams to enhance employee engagement and drive meaningful social impact.

Our Client: Roadside Assistance

Their Challenge: Claims of discrimination and threats of violence among 8-10 employees to equip them with tools to prevent further escalation of the issue.

Our Approach: Delivered an interactive Civility Training Program covering diversity, positive language, and conflict resolution via webinar. Pre- and post-webinar activities reinforce learning, with leaders meeting individually with employees to discuss fostering a civil work environment.

The Outcomes: Enhanced leadership involvement and commitment to maintaining a civil work environment, demonstrated through individual meetings and ongoing support provided to employees.

Our Client: Public Housing Solutions

Their Challenge: The organization faced challenges related to fostering a positive work environment.

Our Approach: We reviewed current systems like HR metrics, performance management, and surveys for DEI, retention, and engagement improvements. We also deliver 12 training sessions over 6-12 months, covering topics like psychological safety and implicit bias. Additionally, coaching was provided throughout the process.

The Outcomes: Survey results show over 80% satisfaction with manager conflict resolution, growth opportunities, working environment, feedback value, leader relationships, organization care and professionalism towards employees.

Our Client: Fundamental Rights Support

Their Challenge: Lack of trust in HR and transparency within the leadership team.

Our Approach: Conduct manager training and surveys.

The outcomes: Employees have positive relationships with upper management, resolve conflict effectively, trust HR, and appreciate the leadership team's transparency regarding organizational direction and future plans.

Our Client: Social Media Content Protection

Their Challenge: With rapid growth from 0 to 20 board members and a workforce expansion from 10 to 35, with 5 more expected, spanning London, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, fostering an inclusive and positive culture is crucial.

Our Approach: Delivered Celebrating Diversity and Harassment Prevention trainings, each interactive session for 10 attendees, totaling eight sessions (four per program).

The outcomes: Improved communication and collaboration across geographically dispersed teams, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

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Service & Hospitality

Providing strategies to navigate challenging situations with finesse and diplomacy, prioritize ethical practices, and promote the well-being of employees and guests.

Our Client: Global Hotel Franchise, Southern CA Region

Their Challenge: The franchise owner of several locations wanted to avoid the ol’ harassment prevention training focused on legalities and compliance, and hoped to offer delivery in a more engaging way than previous vendors had offered.

Our Approach: As always, our harassment prevention training focused more on empathy, respect, and the human elements of harassment over the legalities and technical definitions. Covering topics like what to do when you witness bad behavior of all kids, this method offers truly preventative training.

The Outcomes: A strengthened reputation and brand image as a responsible corporate citizen committed to ethical practices and safeguarding the well-being of employees and guests.

Our Client: Family-Owned Winery

Their Challenge: A DEIB expert had provided a variety of training programs. HR decided that the topic of being an upstander, however, should be delivered through a more general lens. In other words, being an upstander doesn’t apply only to microaggressions or discrimination, it applies to rudeness, incivility, and gossip, for example.

Our Approach: We designed and delivered training to leaders, servers, pourers, and farm laborers in English and Spanish. The program was focused on awareness, empathy, assertiveness, and communication skills for stepping in when any type of inappropriate behavior occurs.

The Outcomes: Participants learned strategies for effective allyship, including a variety of options for improving a situation, improved communication, and navigating difficult conversations diplomatically, enhancing their ability to address challenges.

Our Client: Restaurant Chain

Their Challenge: The trust and once-strong relationships among the leadership team were broken due to some members underperforming, ignoring others, gossiping, or engaging in all around toxic behaviors.

Our Approach: After interviewing each member of the team, we facilitated a dialogue with the group so that they could express what they needed from each other and move forward. We also uncovered that one team member was essentially bullying others, and provided him with coaching.

The Outcomes: The team reported that they were able to move forward now that they’d shared their feelings in a safe space. The bullying team member made vast improvement according to post-coaching interviews.