Spark the conversation that matters
Allyship is about action, understanding, and creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and supported.
Our “Allyship Conversation Cards” are designed to help you lead meaningful discussions about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). They’re a powerful tool to break down barriers and foster a culture of allyship in your workplace.
Download our “Allyship Conversation Cards” to learn:
1. How to start impactful conversations about allyship and inclusion.
2. Practical ways to identify and address unconscious bias.
3. Techniques for building empathy and understanding across differences.
4. Being an upstander if bad behaviors show up at work.
5. Steps to create a workplace culture rooted in equity and respect.

“Catherine is hyperprofessional and is a master at turning around toxic work environments and creating respectful work cultures.”
– Holly Jackson, Revenue & Performance Consultant, Holly Jean Jackson