Dr. Kristin L. Kahle
EMAIL: DrK@CivilityPartners.com
Being the Founder of a successful company, bestselling author of two books, business coach, consultant AND athlete is the way Dr. Kristin L. Kahle proves that women are NOT the “weak sex”, but quite the opposite.
Navigate HCR is the name of the company that Dr. K. (the way we are going to call Kristin Kahle from now on because it sounds like a rapper) leads right now. She managed to search for a solid team of talented specialists who assist brokers, employers, team leaders, and other companies on everything related to HR compliance, healthcare law, ACA, and many more legislative developments.
Dr. K has found a way to use technology and make all these confusing (yet important) processes easier. And as if that wasn’t enough, she also LOVES sharing her knowledge! That’s why she dedicates some of her free time to coaching business owners. Especially the ones owned by women.
Besides that, she has four published bestselling books, titled “Crash and Learn”, “Notivation”, “Lead Like a Woman: Tales from the Trenches”, and “Lead Like a Woman: Audacity”.
Dr. K is also kind of nerdy. She is a Certified Healthcare Reform Specialist, earned a DBA from Argosy University, an MBA from the University of Phoenix, and a BA from Pine Manor College.
Now you know. A mentor doesn’t always have to look like Obi-Wan or Dumbledore. Your mentor can be fun, creative, empathic, a lover of music and sports, and with wild hair. Just as Dr. K. is!