If you’re a training facilitator, you know some participants may not necessarily feel comfortable in a workshop environment. This may stem from social anxiety, power distance considerations, or fear of being judged for what they might share during the experience. The...
A survey of 733 multi-millionaires throughout the US were asked to rate factors (out of 30) most responsible for their success. These were the top 5: Being honest with all people Being well disciplined Getting along with people Having a supportive spouse Working...
Based on our episode, “Stop Avoiding and Start Leading” with Marlene Chism People think that conflict is a problem. In fact, conflict is not the problem. The mismanagement of conflict is the problem. We all mismanage conflict because we don’t really learn how to do it...
Written by: Sabrina Singh A few weeks ago, I received a message from someone I had never met. Her email (about a rather mundane request) was filled with enthusiasm and encouragement. The introductory “Good morning Sabrina!!” set the tone for a positive...
Based on our episode “Embrace Each Person’s Story. Be Truly Diverse and Inclusive” with Amazin LeThi When it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion, think of your own journey but also think of the power of storytelling. When you hear someone else’s...
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