psychological safety

Bring your whole-self to work
All humans require their basic needs to be met – including safety and belonging – before they can reach their full potential and thus participate in improving the organization itself, making this training a key component of culture change.
Give your workforce the tools they need to proactively participate in building a team environment of psychological safety.

“I worked with Catherine to address bullying in our workplace. It was a mandatory training and you know what happens when employees come to a mandatory training. The eyes roll, attitude is happening as they walk in the door. The interesting thing was when Catherine started facilitating the training most of the employees took notice. She delivered this training in a way that made it personal and allowed the employees to recognize their behavior was bullying. They just thought it was fun and funny. Catherine went to all of our sites across the country. The employees learned how their behavior was detrimental to everyone.”
– Michele Weston, Human Resources Manager, Embraer Air