Cyber-Bullying and the Workplace Social media has become a popular platform for bullying and harassment to occur. Unfortunately, the truth is that cyber-bullying is easier than traditional bullying. People who cyber-bully have anonymity, being able to hide...
What Does It Mean To Earn Respect? Most employees aim to like their jobs, and all want to be respected. Sadly, doing a great job and earning respect don’t happen to always be mutually inclusive. There will be people that work harder than others, only to get...
“Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” – Oscar Wilde We hear that learning from our mistakes gives us a better opportunity for the next time something occurs. However, not making the mistake in the first place is even better. In this...
If you like this blog post, here are Three More Brilliant Tips for Dealing with an Angry Boss They overreact, intimidate and make your life a living you know what. They are angry bosses, abrasive leaders, and workplace meanies. Everyone knows how unprofessional...
Opening an email can be like opening Pandora’s box. Poor grammar, incorrectly spelled words, and bad taste is all it takes to write a horrid email. Luckily, it’s not hard to have near perfect email etiquette. Having Perfect Email Etiquette Briefly...
It’s clear that workplace bullies lack emotional maturity. They are known for being uncomfortable, threatening, or just plain intolerable. Workplace bullies frequently play favorites, and ignore others in return. With all of these behaviors and actions, its...
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