Stop Avoiding and Start Leading

Stop Avoiding and Start Leading

Based on our episode, “Stop Avoiding and Start Leading” with Marlene Chism People think that conflict is a problem. In fact, conflict is not the problem. The mismanagement of conflict is the problem. We all mismanage conflict because we don’t really learn how to do it...
The Power of an Email

The Power of an Email

Written by: Sabrina Singh   A few weeks ago, I received a message from someone I had never met. Her email (about a rather mundane request) was filled with enthusiasm and encouragement.  The introductory “Good morning Sabrina!!” set the tone for a positive...
Do you have moral courage?

Do you have moral courage?

There’s a need for leaders in all organizations to commit to working toward creating work environments that support moral courage for all. And one of the most important characteristics for a good leader to have is moral courage. Moral courage helps us take action when...