At Civility Partners we eat, sleep and breathe company culture (it’s dramatic, but true). A positive work environment has endless benefits for employees, the organization, and even the community. We believe in making a respectful work culture a possibility for...
From our episode “BIFF at Work – The email method and the book” with Bill Eddy “Why can’t we just act like adults? I always think that adults aren’t really great at conflict; we’re not all that mature in dealing with our conflict. There would...
Last month, we offered three tips for creating psychological safety in your training programs. To recap, psychological safety is feeling comfortable to ask questions, contribute ideas, voice opinions, challenge the material being offered, and be your true self...
Based on our episode, “Uncovering Unconscious Bias in Recruiting and Interviewing” with Dr. Tana M Session Most of the time credibility is being questioned in a team meeting, leading a project, and our recommendations having to prove above and beyond our areas...
These past two and a half years have shown us COVID-19, the Great Resignation, devastating wildfires, and more. Employees have experienced an awakening. According to McKinsey & Company, nearly two-thirds of US-based employees say that COVID-19 has caused them to...
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