When you’ve discovered a valuable resource or service that could benefit your organization, getting buy-in from leadership is critical. Use this email template to propose Civility Partners’ services to your boss. Simply customize the placeholders with...
You already know that a strong culture leads to engaged employees, lower turnover, and a healthier bottom line, but convincing leadership? That’s a different story. It’s exhausting pushing for changes that are dismissed as “soft skills” or shot down because they...
Picture this: you’re actively working to foster a positive workplace culture, but managers and leaders are adopting a ‘hands-off’ approach. At first, it seems harmless, even convenient—but beneath the surface, it’s quietly wreaking havoc. Top talent?...
Election season tends to bring division and tension, and it’s hard to avoid. Even if you’ve reminded your team to steer clear of political conversations at work, it’s likely that the topic will still pop up here and there. The truth is, having employees with different...
Workplace culture is an uphill battle when the budget is tight or, worse, nonexistent. You’re expected to create a thriving, engaged workforce, but the reality is harsh: Gallup reports that only 32% of U.S. employees are engaged at work. Meanwhile, disengaged...
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