The host of HR Latte, Rayanne Thorne, invited me to do a three-part series on workplace bullying, so I’m sharing it with you!
In the first episode, we discuss the three concepts central to the definition of workplace bullying, what it feels like to be a target of bullying, how school-age bullying and workplace bullying are related, and what a target of bullying can do.
“Workplace Bullying is systemic aggressive communication, manipulation of work, and acts aimed at humiliating or degrading targets. Bullying creates an unhealthy power imbalance between the bully and targets, and bullying often results in psychological consequences for targets and co-workers, and in enormous monetary damage to an organization’s bottom line.” – Catherine Mattice, BACK OFF!
In the second episode, we discuss the impact of bullying in a healthcare organization. We reviewed the myths of workplace bullying, why healthcare is a cesspool of bullying, and what healthcare HR can do about bullying.
“You have to stand up for yourself and it’s hard because it takes courage. But a bully will pick on people who will not push back.” – Catherine Mattice
You can also find these episodes here on Intrepid Media’s website.
HR Latte is a podcast put out by Dovetail Software, who delivers web-based solutions for HR and business problems.