While schools may have focused on bullying prevention measures, recent situations and research shows that workplace bullying prevention trainings might be essential in the corporate world as well.
Workplace bullying is defined by Workplace Bullying Institute as the repeated, abusive conduct that is threatening, humiliating, or intimidating. Bullying can also range from being obvious, verbal, or subtle. Such behaviors, when expressed in a workplace, could be detrimental to civility at work.
Fierce competition is pointed out to be one of the probable reasons of workplace bullying. Trying to be on top and the efforts to look better than others provides a ground for someone to treat one’s colleagues as adversaries, rather than allies or teammates. Meanwhile, there are also others who are naturally aggressive and are not aware of their bullying tendencies. Oftentimes, situations such as these happen due to a lack of respectful workplace corporate policy.
Such culture can lead to unhealthy work environment and low employee morale if remained uninterrupted. This leads to a need for a system of workplace bullying solutions. Such system must encourage employees to take a stand and discuss issues while remaining professional. To address these problems, effective communication training might be necessary.
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