Employees often live in a highly stressful working environment wherein sometimes people are subjected to negativity. It can be in the form of co-workers who feel negatively about the workplace or it may also come from you during situations where you did not agreed to a business decision or announcement.
There are also instances when your work would require you to face negative situations such as dealing with confrontations or participating in difficult work related conversations. Regardless where the negativity is coming from, it contributes to stress and may leave one drained of energy and optimism.
One of your outlets to let out your frustrations may be telling your family about the negative situations at work. Another may be spending time with fellow co-workers who also feel the same way. Talking about it may help but in the long run, it will not be the right way to break free from negativity.
What’s critical is you have to make a choice to remove yourself from negativity or create a different workplace environment for yourself. You can choose to stand with those who continue to have a negative existence or view point in your workplace. Or you may opt to rise above them and live in a positive working culture.
So how do you address negativity in the workplace? First, recognize and acknowledge that you are human and would occasionally be subjected to situations wherein you may need to follow or uphold decisions that you don’t entirely support. In such situations, remember to try and keep positive and not add to the negativity with your actions, words or behavior. Try to find a balance wherein you can act authentically so that people can find you credible and trustworthy.
In some instances, you may want to take time out when dealing with stressful situations and try to think about the best scenario or positive aspect of a conversation or announcement, wherein you felt that you reacted in a negative manner.
For other tips, click here to learn more about dealing with negativity at the workplace.