6 Common Accidents at the Workplace

by Nov 10, 2021

Author: Farlyn Lucas

Workplace culture has a significant effect on how well we do our work and go about each day. A toxic work environment can negatively impact overall team morale, productivity, and work quality. What “toxic” means, in this case, varies. It can be managerial drama, micromanagement, dishonesty, backhanded comments, or even more, and it is not exclusive to any industry. Jobs of all kinds, such as those in an office-setting or even construction can suffer from it. With a hostile or unhealthy work environment, it’s no shock that this can affect other parts of the job, such as workplace safety.

Some of us have office jobs, others have jobs that require physical labor or dangerous tasks. Some work in retail, while others work in construction. Regardless of the type of job you have, there is always the chance of an accident or injury occurring, and no one is safe from that risk.

For this article, we will discuss 6 common accidents that occur at the workplace. Each one comes with its own set of dangers and concerns.


Common Accidents at the Workplace

What are the common types of work-related injuries? There are many different types of work-related injuries, and to better understand them, we need to break out the top 6 common accidents that occur at the workplace. They are as follows:.


1 – Burns

Most burns happen when there’s a fire close to proximity. This usually happens during industrial processes such as those that involve melting metals and other materials used in industry like plastics. It may also happen when something flammable is spilled on an open flame like grease or oil which can cause a fire if not properly extinguished. You should always wear the appropriate safety equipment and read the safety guidelines.


2 – Falls

Falls usually happen when you’re working near heights or on uneven surfaces. It may also occur during the transportation of heavy objects using lifts and cranes. To prevent it from happening, make sure that you read labels and safety guidelines before doing your job. You should also always have another person to help you carry heavy loads because working alone is dangerous in case something suddenly gives way.


3 – Injuries Caused by Moving Machinery

If your workplace has machines or tools that move at high speeds, the operators may likely be hurt if they accidentally touch them. Thus, reading manuals and following all safety precautions like wearing protective clothing is necessary to avoid getting injured in a workplace accident.


4 – Overexertion

Working for extended periods may cause you to get exhausted and make you prone to accidents while doing your job. Make sure that you take regular breaks during work so that you will not collapse from being overworked. In case someone collapses due to exhaustion, immediately call for medical assistance and get the person some air while waiting for the ambulance.


5 – Electrical Accidents

Using high voltage electrical tools or equipment may lead to electric shocks. To avoid this from happening, make sure that you read all labels before operating a device or tool so that in case something happens, you’ll know how to avoid getting hurt.


6 – Exposure to Harmful Chemicals

When chemicals are improperly stored then they can easily mix and cause spills. If you work at a place where chemicals are stored, make sure that the area is properly labeled with hazardous materials signs so that if there is ever an emergency, you can evacuate to a safe zone without injury. Chemicals intended to kill harmful insects and pests are usually very toxic. Handling these chemicals or accidentally ingesting them may lead to serious health complications that could be life-threatening.


Who’s Responsible if you get Injured at Work?

Mostly, the law requires an employer to provide a safe working environment and required safety equipment to its employees or workers. The injured worker has a right to receive compensation from his or her employer for any injuries he or she sustained because of his or her job and is entitled to be treated at the best hospitals wherever it may happen since medical treatment is already included in their plan.

If you get injured in your workplace then it’s your employer’s responsibility to take care of you. This is because the Occupational Safety and Health Act dictates that employers are responsible for providing a safe work environment to their employees. However, if the injury was caused by something that happened while you were off-duty then it might not necessarily follow what the act says. If this happens then you have to talk with an attorney so they can help you file a case against your negligent employer.


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About Catherine Mattice

Catherine Mattice, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP is President of consulting and training firm, Civility Partners, and has been successfully providing programs in workplace bullying and building positive workplaces since 2007. Her clients include Fortune 500’s, the military, several universities and hospitals, government agencies, small businesses and nonprofits. She has published in a variety of trade magazines and has appeared several times on NPR, FOX, NBC, and ABC as an expert, as well as in USA Today, Inc Magazine, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. Catherine is Past-President of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), San Diego Chapter and teaches at National University. In his book foreword, Ken Blanchard called her book, BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work, “the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on the topic.” She recently released a second book entitled, SEEKING CIVILITY: How Leaders, Managers and HR Can Create a Workplace Free of Bullying.

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