Are you Asking the Right Employee Survey Questions?

by Jul 26, 2023

Employee surveys, also known as climate assessments, are fantastic tools for gaining insights into the needs and experiences of your workforce. More than an engagement survey, a climate assessment measures multiple constructs such as communication, leadership, inclusion and more can help you understand where problems are and how they hinder productivity, performance, and relationships. 

While it may be difficult as a dedicated leader to hear negative feedback about the organization you work so hard for, knowledge is the ultimate power. Without an assessment, it is impossible to efficiently and effectively improve the working environment so that your organization can thrive.

By asking thoughtful and targeted questions, you can unlock valuable insights that drive positive change. But are you asking the right questions? Our assessments consist of asking questions with ratings, and open-ended questions. While open-ended questions are valuable, we found that refining this approach can get us better results on what we measure. Here are some strategies for keeping it more impactful.


Questions to Ask on Employee Survey

With our extensive decade-long experience, we have identified five key dimensions that contribute to organizational cultures: job satisfaction, employee engagement, internal communication, inclusion, and relationships. 

Each of these dimensions can be further explored by considering specific aspects within them. Explore our list and see where your organization shines on each spectrum!


Job Satisfaction

In addition to asking: “On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied are you “

You should also ask: “Reflecting on your current job role and responsibilities, what unique contributions do you believe you bring to the organization, and how do they align with your personal values and aspirations?”

Including this open-ended question provides additional context to why employees are as satisfied or dissatisfied as they are. In addition, this will allow us to dig deeper and understand how employees see their own individual impact and how well their work aligns with their personal values and goals.


Employee Engagement

Instead of asking: “What specific initiatives or activities could further enhance your level of engagement with your work and the organization?”

Try asking: “If you had the freedom to redesign your work environment and experiences in a way that maximizes your engagement and enthusiasm, what changes would you make?”

By presenting it as a scenario, it encourages employees to think outside the box and really analyze the factors that play a role in their overall engagement. It’s a great opportunity for them to get creative and critically evaluate what would truly make a difference for them!  


Internal Communication

Instead of asking: “What improvements can be made to internal communication channels and processes to enhance overall transparency and information flow?”

Try asking: “When it comes to internal communication, what specific areas or situations do you feel could benefit from better transparency and improved information flow?”

When we approach the question in this manner, the feedback we gather becomes a valuable tool for pinpointing the exact areas that need improvement. It allows us to identify specific pain points and uncover opportunities for enhancing internal communication channels and processes in a more targeted and effective way. 

Sidenote: Check out Catherine’s LinkedIn Learning course, Communicating Employee Rewards that we made free for 24 hours for you!



Instead of asking: “What initiatives or actions can be implemented to foster a more inclusive and diverse work environment?”

Try asking: “In your view, what actions or initiatives can we implement to ensure that diversity and inclusion are not just checkboxes to be ticked, but integral components of our everyday operations?”

The revised question encourages employees to openly express their thoughts on cultivating an inclusive and diverse environment that goes beyond mere surface-level efforts. It aims to foster a deeper understanding of the meaningful actions and changes required to truly embed diversity and inclusion within the fabric of the organization.



Instead of asking: “What can your supervisor do to support your professional growth and build a stronger working relationship?”

Try asking: “What specific actions or support from your supervisor would have the greatest impact on your professional growth and contribute to building a stronger, more collaborative working relationship? “

When we ask employees to identify specific actions or support they need from their supervisor, it prompts them to think deeply and critically about the tangible ways their supervisor can contribute to their growth and enhance the working relationship.


Final Thoughts

We recognize the importance of understanding the dynamics within your organization to effectively address and resolve issues. Our comprehensive assessment service is designed to provide valuable insights into the sentiments and challenges faced by your employees, enabling us to work collaboratively with you to implement the most suitable solutions. 

Our service delves into the causes of conflicts, dissension, and other challenges faced by your organization. By understanding these underlying factors, we can implement targeted interventions that address the core issues and foster a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Let us help you create that and support the well-being and success of your employees and your business as a whole!

PS: Last week, we delivered a webinar on workplace bullies and abrasive leaders, and how to help them stop. We provided this checklist to the webinar attendees, and we thought you might want it too. It’ll take 3 minutes, and it’ll help you determine if it’s time to end the bullying behavior. 

PPS: We’re going to host another webinar on August 30th, “Dealing with Toxic People at Work.” Register here. 

Civility is the platform for organizational success—it is absolutely necessary for an organization to reach its goals. Download our Ebook on Seeking Civility to learn more on how to create a workplace free of bullying and abusive conduct.


About Catherine Mattice

Catherine Mattice, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP is President of consulting and training firm, Civility Partners, and has been successfully providing programs in workplace bullying and building positive workplaces since 2007. Her clients include Fortune 500’s, the military, several universities and hospitals, government agencies, small businesses and nonprofits. She has published in a variety of trade magazines and has appeared several times on NPR, FOX, NBC, and ABC as an expert, as well as in USA Today, Inc Magazine, Huffington Post, Entrepreneur Magazine, and more. Catherine is Past-President of the Association for Talent Development (ATD), San Diego Chapter and teaches at National University. In his book foreword, Ken Blanchard called her book, BACK OFF! Your Kick-Ass Guide to Ending Bullying at Work, “the most comprehensive and valuable handbook on the topic.” She recently released a second book entitled, SEEKING CIVILITY: How Leaders, Managers and HR Can Create a Workplace Free of Bullying.

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