You are someone who cares about creating a better working environment at your organization. You’re probably already selling other leaders in your company on your ideas for positive workplace practices, and telling your managers they have to get better at setting expectations for behavior and performance. And you definitely have a goal to implement a healthy workplace policy, if you haven’t already.
But sometimes while we’re putting in a lot of effort, we forget to sit back and re-assess what we’ve done so far, and what we need to do next.
For that reason, I thought I’d provide a really great assessment for you to figure out where your organization is excelling and what you could be doing better.Take a few moments to print out this one-page document, and check where you stand on each item. Now you’ll have a list of what you can focus on personally, to create a more positive workplace.
Next, send the link to your managers and supervisors. They might be surprised to learn what additional – and in some cases simple – steps they can be taking to create a better workplace.
And if you read through this assessment and think, “EEK! Most people will check only ‘sometimes!’” then you’ve got some work to do. I’d be happy to help you create a plan for improvement. Just contact me and we can schedule a 10-minute call.