There are times when there are stuff we do at work which we do not pay attention to, or remain unnoticed. For us these things could be normal or ordinary, but some may consider it as snobbish or worse, a bully behavior by others. Such may be prevalent in an intimidating office environment where you might be surprised to find yourself as an “accidental bully.” With the civility at work at stake, you could be a bully without realizing it!
Research says that 37% of employees have been bullied at work. While workplace bullying training is alien to some industries, bullying is not merely tolerated but is acceptable as part of the competitive work culture. These days, a number of organizations push people to aggressively compete for the top spot, as observed by Joan Kingsley, Organizational Psychotherapist. Such culture is ironic as the Workplace Bullying Institute says that bullying negatively affects productivity.
In our present social system, it is natural for superiors to exert powers over their subordinates. Study shows that some employees were unaware of their bullying tendencies without realizing it until after some workplace bullying training sessions. However, if the intent is to assert dominance without any rational reason, then such act is bullying.
Bullying is all about intention. Sometimes, there are people who appear to be unintentional bullies to others. If one thinks that one’s behavior might be construed as a “bully behavior” by others, then he or she might consider undergoing workplace bullying consulting.
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